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The Savings and Credit Cooperative Union League of Tanzania (SCCULT)
The Savings and Credit Cooperative Union League of Tanzania (SCCULT) is the Umbrella Organization for SACCOS in Tanzania mainland. SCCULT (1992) LTD are advocators, lobbyists, representatives of the interests of SACCOS inside and outside the Country.

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services offered

Internal Auditing services:
SCCULT (1992) LTD (1992) LTD will provide internal auditing services to SACCOS which are unable to employ qualified full-time internal auditors at affordable costs. The objective is to ensure all SACCOS comply with the law and increase earning avenues to the organization through auditing fees.

Central Financing Facility
Members contribute through savings in one basket/account and loans disbursed to members at an affordable interest rate. The main objective is to ensure our SACCOSS members with liquidity and improved services. In addition to strengthening SACCOS liquidity, CFF has increased organizational revenue avenues through interest rates that has charged from loans.

SCCULT(1992)LTD Offers consultancy services in various aspects of SACCOS operations, we also offers the planning services that includes preparation of Strategic Plans, working plans, diagnostic research and advice in order to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in SACCOS operations. The Savings and Credit Cooperative Union League of Tanzania (SCCULT) is the Umbrella Organization for SACCOS in Tanzania mainland.